Comments on media | Komentarji o medijih

22 and 23 September 2009 at 10.10 PM in the Old Power Station in Ljubljana (Ex Ponto, Slovenia). Live Internet broadcast also in Kanuti Gildi SAAL in Tallinn (Estonia; local time: 11.10 PM) and the TPN / Auditório de Alfornelos (Intensive Art Care Proto) in Amadora (Portugal; local time: 9.10 PM).

22. in 23. septembra 2009, obakrat ob 22:10, v Stari mestni elektrarni Ljubljana (Ex Ponto, Slovenija). Neposredni prenos v Kanuti Gildi SAAL v Talinu (Estonija; lokalni čas: 23:10) in TPN / Auditório de Alfornelos (Intenzivna nega umetnosti Proto) v Amadori (Portugalska; lokalni čas: 21:10).

+ fotografije s predstave / Photos from the performance: Nada Žgank

+ [PRESS fotografije / Photos]

Media enter the realms of imagination and coproduce a regime of communication. As a series of comments on media EVERGREEN is opening up paradoxical layers of our perception and different understandings of media translations.

Easily lost in the commodities of our society, the radicals of amusement ensure raw material for the present cynical need of utopia. Therefore, everything looks so homely ...
Between terrorism and tourism, there is rather a need of micropolitics than the exposure of essential elements and scenes. EVERGREEN does not fetch dramatic interventions but subtle operations and sensual dynamics.
EVERGREEN is a chain of actions: from Boris Mihalj to Gertrude Stein (1994) - from The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845) to robots - from the French chanson Ne me quitte pas to the Japanese notebook in white acrylic - from the current weather forecast to the symphony orchestra conductor's final explanation of EVERGREEN - from applauding to laughing of twenty-one green crocodiles.
Creative media assimilate and scatter the pigeonholing into intermedia and performing arts, into sports and chess, into politics and art, etc. The family circle has expanded. The character of an individual or his work is no longer formed by merely two serious and clumsy family experts. EVERGREEN establishes fluid relationships among the big and the small and enables subtle operations and sensual dynamics to manifest themselves in the imperative of contemporaneity - the empathy. Through this, the whole world is wise again (as it always was).

+ EVERGREEN Rehearsals Photos (September 2009) on Flickr

Mediji vstopajo v območje domišljije in soustvarjajo način komunikacije. EVERGREEN, kot vrsta komentarjev na medije, odkriva paradoksalne ravni naše precepcije in različna razumevanja prevodov.

Zlahka izgubljeni v udobju skupnosti, zabaviščni radikali zagotavljajo surovine sedanji cinični potrebi po utopijah. Zato vse izgleda tako domače ...
Med terorizmom in turizmom je prej potreba po mini diplomaciji intenzivnosti kot pa osvetlitev velikih bistev in prizorišč. EVERGREEN ne prinaša dramatičnih intervencij temveč subtilne operacije in senzualne dinamike.
EVERGREEN je sosledje dejanj: od Borisa Mihalja do Gertrude Stein (1994) - od Položaja delavskega razreda v Angliji (1845) do robotov - od francoskega šansona Ne me quitte pas do japonskega prenosnega računalnika v belem akrilu - od aktualne vremenske napovedi do dirigentove zaključne razlage EVEGREENa - od ploskanja do smejanja enaindvajsetih zelenih krokodilov.
Ustvarjalni mediji asimilirajo in razblinjajo predalčkanja na intermedijske in uprizoritvene umetnosti, na šport in šah, na politiko in umetnost itd. Družinski krog se je razširil. Karakter posameznika ali njegovega dela ni več oblikovan zgolj z resnima in nerodnima, družinskima ekspertoma. EVERGREEN vzpostavlja fluidna razmerja med velikim in majhnim in omogoča, da se subtilne operacije in senzualne dinamike manfestirajo v imperativu sodobnosti - empatiji. Z njo je cel svet zopet moder (kakor je vselej bil).

... .

[watch the slideshow fullscreen / Photo: Nada Žgank & Miha Fras]

+ watch the final scene from the original Gertrude Stein on YouTube

koncept in režija | Concept and Directing: Vlado G. Repnik
intimni mobilni komunikator | Intimate Mobile Communicator: Igor Štromajer
supervizija | Supervision: Lana K. Gotvan, Martina Ruhsam
kamera v živo | Live Camera: Janez Janša

soavtorji | Co-artists: Boris Mihalj, Toshihiro Yonezu, Miran Trontelj, Janez Skela, Duško Pušica, Tomaž Žnidarčič
kuratorja | Curators: Anders Harm, Pedro Saavedra

Produkcija | Produced by: GVR Zavod, Bunker Ljubljana, Ex Ponto, Intima Virtual Base

Projekt sta sofinancirala Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in MOL Ljubljana.
The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana.

GVR babaLAN | +386 31 589 877 |www.babalan.org | gvr[at]babalan.org

+ PRESS fotografije / Photos (foto/Photo: Joško Bohunsky):

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(Toshihiro Yonezu)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(mobilni odrski objekti / mobile objects)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(Boris Mihalj)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(Boris Mihalj)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(robot / the robot)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(Boris Mihalj)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(Boris Mihalj)

67x38 cm, 24-bit RGB, 72 dpi, JPEG
(Boris Mihalj)