Blind Interactivity
14. 8. 2016, Akto Festival / Bitola
16. 6. 2016, APT - Anton Podbevšek Teater / Novo mesto
30. 11. 2015, Kino Šiška / Katedrala, Ljubljana
29. + 30. 10. 2015, Stara elektrarna / Ljubljana
27. + 28. 9. 2015, Kino Šiška / Katedrala, Ljubljana
— Official Trailer
Something about the life of everybody. Every something is an echo of nothing. And here you are. Nothing has nothing to do with you. The more you leave, the more you are.
Whither away is no mirror. It is no depository. In a project of fragmented present, Koala Voice use an abundance of new hit-like riffs to pierce mischievously the mute European megalopolis of Brandenburg. The way they do it, you will be humming their choruses to yourself before the performance even ends:
Where should we go, where should we go if we could run away
Why run away when we have a plan so cool
Two plastic guns, one pink Cadillac
Go to the border, wait until it settles
The stir caused by this Bonnie-Clyde commotion.
Like notes without a central message babbling away, the performance unfolds on the screen and beyond. Made-up, stolen and readymade lyrics, a concert and film images unveiling how communication and misunderstanding, humour and fiction are inseparable from the value of reality.
Kam pa kam is a poetical attempt at outlining the state of no ownership. Dragons and planes will be caressing you romantically in endless streams from Berlin airports of Tempelhof and Tegel, while The Beatles are already on their way to the zebra crossing at Abbey Road: "Beat me, caressing I can do myself."
Don’t think more than necessary.
"In the evening, when we fall asleep, we actually all turn into actors, going to perform our role, always on a different stage. And by day? By day, we practice the role while awake. Sometimes we don’t learn the role as we should, and therefore don’t dare perform on stages, so we hide behind other actors who have learned their words and their steps for the route better.
However, you, it is you who comes to the venue not to act, but to see us perform. Let your gaze descend on me when I am trained well, because nobody can be either smart or beautiful throughout the seven days of the week."
Warning: Effects of strobe light are used intensely throughout the implementation of the project, which is why we strongly advise persons with photosensitive epilepsy against seeing the performance.
Authors: Repnik/Holc/Trampuš/Prašnikar/Prašnikar
Script and direction: Vlado G. Repnik
Music: Koala Voice
Performers: Tilen Prašnikar, Miha Prašnikar, Manca Trampuš, Domen Don Holc
Appearances in the film: Maja Delak, Bojana Kunst, Anthony Paul, John Cage and others
Supervision: Simon Kardum
Co-composing: Martina Ruhsam
Intimate mobile communications: Igor Štromajer
Camera and editing: Vlado G. Repnik, Domen Don Holc
Graphic animations: Luka Dekleva, Nina Goropečnik, Lea Rojec
Lighting design: David Cvelbar
Set design: Matevž Ftičar
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Video engineer: Matej Marinček
Photographs: Nada Žgank
Production: Kino Šiška & GVRbabaLAN
Co-production: Bunker
Project co-financed by Slovenian Ministry of Culture and City of Ljubljana.
Koala Voice:
- www.koalavoice.com
- facebook.com/VoiceKoala
- soundcloud.com/koala-voice

Nekaj o življenju vsakogar. Vsak nekaj je odmev niča. In ti si tu. Nič nima nič opraviti s teboj. Bolj ko odideš, več te je.
Kam pa kam ni ogledalo. Ni shramba. V projektu fragmentirane sedanjosti Koala Voice z obilico novih hitoidnih rifov nabrito prešpika nemost evropskega megapolisa Brandenburg tako, da si boste njihove refrene še pred koncem izvedbe mrmrali tudi sami:
Kam bi šla, kam bi šla če bi lahko zbežala,
kaj bežala, ko pa tako kul plan imava
dve plastični pištoli in en roza cadillac
in potem do meje, da se tam potem poleže
vroči zrak okrog te bonnieclyde zadeve.
Kot brbotanje opomb brez glavnega sporočila se ta predstava razgrinja na zaslonu in onstran njega. Izmišljena, ukradena in readymade besedila, koncert in filmske podobe, razkrivajo neločljivost komuniciranja in nesporazuma, humorja in fikcije z vrednostjo realnosti.
Kam pa kam je poetični poskus izrisovanja stanja brezlastništva. Z berlinskih letališč Tempelhof in Tegel vas bodo romantično in rafalno božali zmaji in avioni, medtem ko so The Beatles že na poti do zebre na Abbey Road: "Tep me, božam se loh sama."
Ne mislite več kot je nujno.
"Ko zvečer zaspimo se pravzaprav vsi spremenimo v igralce in odhajamo zmeraj na drug oder odigrat svojo vlogo. Pa podnevi? Podnevi se v budnosti učimo te vloge. Včasih se je ne naučimo kakor bi bilo treba in potem si ne upamo nastopiti na odrih, zato se skrivamo za drugimi igralci, ki znajo bolje svoje besedilo in korake za to pot.
Ampak ti, ti si tisti, ki prihaja v dvorano gledat naš nastop, ne pa igrat. Naj tvoje oko pade name, ko bom dobro izurjena, saj ni nihče vseh sedem dni v tednu ne pameten ne lep."
Opozorilo: V izvedbi projekta se intenzivno uporabljajo efekti trepetajoče svetlobe, zato odsvetujemo ogled osebam s fotosenzitivno epilepsijo.

avtorji: Repnik/Holc/Trampuš/Prašnikar/Prašnikar
scenarij in režija: Vlado G. Repnik
glasba: Koala Voice
performerji: Tilen Prašnikar, Miha Prašnikar, Manca Trampuš, Domen Don Holc
v filmu: Maja Delak, Bojana Kunst, Anthony Paul, John Cage in drugi
supervizija: Simon Kardum
sokomponiranje: Martina Ruhsam
intimne mobilne komunikacije: Igor Štromajer
kamera in montaža: Vlado G. Repnik, Domen Don Holc
grafična animacija: Luka Dekleva, Nina Goropečnik, Lea Rojec
oblikovanje luči: David Cvelbar
oblikovanje scene: Matevž Ftičar
oblikovanje zvoka: Jure Vlahovič
video tehnik: Matej Marinček
fotografija: Nada Žgank
produkcija: Kino Šiška in GVRbabaLAN
koprodukcija: Bunker
Projekt sofinancirata Ministrstvo za kulturo RS in Mestna občina Ljubljana.
Koala Voice:
- www.koalavoice.com
- facebook.com/VoiceKoala
- soundcloud.com/koala-voice

GVR babaLAN | +386 31 589 877
www.babalan.org | gvr[at]babalan.org