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one picture : one exhibition : one art
ena slika : ena razstava : ena umetnost

From 19th of December 2011 till 2nd of January 2012; Camera Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

In 2002, first steamographies (drawing on steam) and ropeographies (rope sculptures) came into being at the Coal Mining Museum of Slovenia by implementing a transparent cube (8 m3) and a coloured rope (3,5 km).

The second series of ropeographies in the length of 14 km − Balkan runners and Persian carpets − was executed in 2004 at the festivals Borderline and Exit in France. In the summer of 2005, the project The Cube was renamed to Aquart, which introduced the Children's section and a linear presentation of 300 photographs (7 x 5 cm) recording the development of the project up to then at the Rotovž Exhibition Salon of Maribor Art Gallery. At the festival Continental Breakfast in Tallinn in December, video documents, new steamographies and the alimentary section muvrvosake & barvilla were completed by the Uxi Pixi Pancakes Aquart, which in 2006 was also presented at the Old Power Station in Ljubljana. 491 plasticized photographs were fastened to the bottom of a transport packaging for Plexiglas and thus formed a tabular picture (219 cm x 195 cm).

In the next project phase entitled What does the cube do when it rests?, the picture was deposited for three years in the dark cellar depot at Metelkova. In 2009, it was established that the work was quite damaged by damp but at the same time gained an incredible colour depth. In July 2009, following the project Soon after the remove, the picture was moved to Koroška Art Gallery where it was dried. Restoration repairs were carried out in 2011. The finishing glaze will be applied in 2012. By fixing one of the cube sides into the supporting frame, the picture will regain its final appearance.

Od 19. decembra 2011 do 2. januarja 2012; Kamera Kina Šiška, Ljubljana

S prozorno kocko (8m3) in raznobarvno vrvjo (3,5 km), so leta 2002 v Muzeju rudarstva Slovenije nastale prve soparografije (risbe na soparo) in vrvografije (skulpture iz vrvi).

Druga serija vrvografij v dolžini 14 kilometrov − balkanski tekači in perzijske preproge, je bila izvedena leta 2004 na festivalih Borderline in Exit v Franciji. Poleti 2005 je projekt
The Cube dobil ime Aquart in v mariborski galeriji Rotovž v kocko uvedel otroške sekcije ter linearno predstavil 300 fotografij (7x5cm) dotedanjega razvoja projekta. Video dokumenti, nove soparografije in prehrambene sekcije muvrvosake & barvilla so bile decembra na festivalu Continental breakfast v Talinu dopolnjene v Uxi Pixi Pancakes Aquart, ki je bil leta 2006 predstavljen tudi v Stari elektrarni v Ljubljani. Na dno transportne embalaže za pleksi steklo je bilo fiksiranih 491 plastificiranih fotografij in nastajala je tabelna slika (219 cm x 195 cm).

Z naslednjo fazo projekta Kaj dela kocka ko počiva? je bila slika za tri leta deponirana v temi kletnega skladišča na Metelkovi. Leta 2009 je bilo ugotovljeno, da je zaradi vlage prišlo do precejšnjega poškodovanja dela, ki pa je hkrati dobilo izjemno globinsko barvitost. Slika je bila julija 2009 s projektom Kmalu po premiku preseljena v Koroško galerijo likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec, kjer se je nato sušila. Letos so bile izvedene restavratorske fiksacije, leta 2012 pa bodo nanešene še zaključne lazure. Z vpetostjo ene od stranic pleksi kocke v nosilni okvir dobiva slika svojo končno podobo.

Produced by | Produkcija: GVR babaLAN, 2011

Photo | Foto: Mankica Kranjec

The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Projekt je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za kulturo RS.

+386 31 589 877