mozaični dogodek | a mosaic event
⇨ v Kibla PORTALU v Mariboru:
- v soboto, 10. decembra 2022 ob 20. uri
⇨ v Cirkulaciji² v Ljubljani:
- v ponedeljek, 3. oktobra 2022 ob 19. uri
- v torek, 4. oktobra ob 20. uri
- v četrtek, 6. oktobra ob 20. uri
- v petek, 7. oktobra ob 20. uri

foto | photo: Sunčan Stone
English text below
"Ljubezen je volja – volja po deljenju sreče z vsemi. Biti srečen in osrečevati – to je ritem ljubezni."
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Dokler bodo dosežki kulture zaprti v kulturnih getih in dokler bodo kulturni ustvarjalci zgolj sami med seboj merili svoje moči, ne pa v dialogu s tistimi, ki jim je umetnost resnično namenjena, toliko časa bomo govorili o prepadu med umetnostjo in delovnim ljudstvom, o tako imenovanem nerazumevanju med ustvarjalci kulture in ljudstvom."
— Stane Dolanc, sekretar izvršnega biroja predsedstva ZKJ leta 1973 v govoru ob petindvajsetletnici Moderne galerije v Ljubljani
"Žal mi je za nesmisel, ker je bil do zdaj tako redko umetniško oblikovan ..."
— Kurt Schwitters, 1920
"In ko bi imel preroštvo in bi vedel vse skrivnosti ter imel vso vednost in ko bi imel vso vero, tako da bi gore prestavljal, ljubezni pa bi ne imel, nisem nič."
— SP, NZ, 1 Kor 13,2

foto | photo: Sunčan Stone
V izvedbi mozaične uprizoritve ME SLIŠIŠ sodelujejo: Blaž Šef, Boštjan Leskovšek, Igor Štromajer, Borut Savski, Marko Batista, Nina Meško, Sanja Simić, Stefan Doepner, Tatiana Kocmur, Chiara Duchi, Ivan Mijačević, Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Name: Zdenka, Dominik Mahnič, Robert Klančnik, Simon Svetlik, Sunčan Stone, Francisco Tomsich, Tjaša Ribizel, Lana K. Gotvan in babaLAN.
Posebna zahvala Aleksandri Kostič, Andražu Torkarju in Draganu Živadinovu.
Me slišiš. Samo pogledati moraš in videti. Ozri se vase, v lastno bitje. Veš, da obstajaš in to ti je všeč. Opusti vso domišljijo, to je vse. Ne zanašaj se na čas. Čas je smrt. Kdor čaka, umre. Življenje je samo zdaj. Ne govori mi o preteklosti in prihodnosti, saj obstajata le v tvojem umu. Ničesar ni treba vaditi. Da bi poznal sebe samo bodi. Naj vznikne tvoja prava narava. Ne vznemiraj uma z iskanjem. Ničesar ne moreš pridobiti. Opusti vso domišljijo in spoznaj sebe kot to, kar si. Poznavanje sebe je nenavezanost. Vse navezanosti pomenijo strah, saj so vse stvari minljive. Strah pa zasužnji človeka. Prostost od navezanosti ni rezultat vadbe, marveč je nekaj naravnega, ko človek spozna svojo pravo bit. Ljubezen se ne oklepa; oklepanje ni ljubezen. Vsako hrepenenje izvira iz občutka nezadostnosti. Ko veš, da ti nič ne manjka, da je vse obstoječe ti in tvoje, želje izginejo.
Me slišiš. Olje na platnu levitira v prasonati mongolskih prostranstev. Zaradi meandrov je plovba po reki počasna. Mozaičnost uprizoritvenega me slišiš komposta, non-stop dostavlja vitamine, minerale in ostala hranila vsem zvrstem umetnosti in ognju, ki skuri kar mislimo, da smo. Temperatura zaslona zavesti pa se ne spremeni niti za stotinko Kelvina. Mislimo z dlanmi. Na koncu (ki ga seveda ni) so vse riti zlate. Il cielo e' azzurro – zero Baby! Samo nič deluje! Ekvivalent gradnji gradov v oblakih je pita na nebu, ki v Cirkulacijo² in Kiblo prileti naravnost iz pečice.
Produkcija: GVR Zavod za umetniško produkcijo
Soprodukcija: Cirkulacija², Kibla Maribor, CUK Kino Šiška
Predstava je sofinancirana s sredstvi Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije in Mestne občine Ljubljana

foto | photo: Sunčan Stone
"Love is a will – the will to share happiness with everyone. Being happy and making happy – that's the rhythm of love."
— Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
"As long as the achievements of culture are locked up in cultural ghettos, and as long as cultural creators merely measure their strength among themselves, rather than in dialogue with those for whom art is trully intended, we will continue to speak of a gap between art and the working people, of a so-called misunderstanding between the creators of culture and the people."
— Stane Dolanc, Secretary of the Executive Bureau of the Presidium of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in 1973 in a speech on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Moderna galerija, the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana
"I'm sorry for the nonsense, because until now it has been so rarely artistically molded..."
— Kurt Schwitters, 1920
"And if I have prophecy, and if I know all mysteries, and if I have all knowledge, and if I have all faith – so that I can move mountains, but do not have love – I am nothing."
— Bible, NT, 1 Cor 13,2

foto | photo: Sunčan Stone
The mosaic production of CAN YOU HEAR ME features: Blaž Šef, Boštjan Leskovšek, Igor Štromajer, Borut Savski, Marko Batista, Nina Meško, Sanja Simić, Stefan Doepner, Tatiana Kocmur, Chiara Duchi, Ivan Mijačević, Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Name: Zdenka, Dominik Mahnič, Robert Klančnik, Simon Svetlik, Sunčan Stone, Francisco Tomsich, Tjaša Ribizel, Lana K. Gotvan and babaLAN.
Special thanks to Aleksandra Kostič, Andraž Torkar and Dragan Živadinov.
Can you hear me. You just have to look and see. Look at yourself, at your being. You know you exist and you like it. Let go of all imagination, that's all. Don't rely on time. Time is death. He who waits dies. Life is only now. Don't tell me about the past and the future, they only exist in your mind. There is no need to practice anything. To know yourself just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't worry your mind about searching. You can't gain anything. Let go of all imagination and know yourself as you are. Self-knowledge is non-attachment. All attachments mean fear because all things are transitory. But fear enslaves a person. Freedom from attachment is not a result of practice, but is something natural when one realizes one's true nature. Love does not cling; clinging is not love. Every longing comes from a feeling of inadequacy. When you know that you lack nothing, that everything that exists is you and yours, desires disappear. Do you hear me. Oil on canvas levitates in ur sonata of the vast expanses of Mongolia. Because of the meanders, navigation on the river is slow. The compost of the mosaicism of the performance do you hear me non-stop delivers vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to all genres of art and the fire – that burns up what we think we are. The temperature of the screen of consciousness does not change even by a hundredth of a Kelvin. We think with our palms. At the end (which, of course, there is none), all asses are golden. Il cielo e' azzurro – zero Baby! Only nothing works! The equivalent of building castles in the clouds is pie in the sky, which flies straight out of the oven into Cirkulacija² and Kibla.
Production: GVR Ljubljana
Co-production: Cirkulacija², Kibla Maribor, CUK Kino Šiška
The performance is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the Municipality of Ljubljana

foto | photo: Sunčan Stone
+386 31 589 877