In order to keep the economy going, we started to export containers filled with compressed air. Shipping air was the buzzword in discussions about how to reduce unemployment - in those years still a problem - in countries all over the world. Politicians worldwide recognized the enormous benefit of the shipping air business, through which it was possible to increase the exports statistic. And the biggest benefit of all was that there was no need to find people who would buy and consume the imported goods. That time is now known as the era of airmodernity.

Da bi ekonomija vzdržala, smo pričeli v kontejnerjih izvažati zgoščen zrak. Pomorski promet z zrakom - shipping air - je postala modna fraza v razgovorih o tem, kako zmanjšati nezaposlenost, ki je bila v tistih letih še zmeraj problem. Politiki širom sveta so prepoznali ogromne koristi trgovanja z zrakom, ki je omogočalo, da so se izvozne statistike izboljšale. Največja ugodnost pa je bila, da ni bilo potrebno najti ljudi, ki bi uvožene dobrine kupili in trošili. Tistega časa se zdaj spominjamo kot obdobja zračne modernosti.

Produced by | Produkcija: GVR babaLAN, f18 Institute, 2010
The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Projekt je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
GVR babaLAN | +386 31 589 877
www.babalan.org | gvr[at]babalan.org

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