m a n i f e s t a t i o n
m a n i f e s t a c i j a

Vlado G. Repnik & Martina Ruhsam

co-authoring and realization
soavtorstvo in izvedba
Toshihiro Yonezu, Igor Štromajer, Blaž Peršin, Robert Klančnik, Lana K. Gotvan, Stefan Doepner, Jaka Železnikar, Martin Horvat, Aleksander Hribovšek, Janko Mandič, Gorazd Knific, Vadim Fishkin, Alexei Blinov, Katja Kosi, Deufert & Plischke

City Museum of Ljubljana
Mestni muzej Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenija

Saturday, 8 December 2007 at 7 PM
sobota, 8. decembra 2007 ob 19. uri

After resetting and renaming the project One dollar one dollar that was shown at dietheater in Vienna in March 2007 the performance H STORY is presented in Ljubljana.
H STORY is a blind sequence of micro-events focused on the interference of heterogenous practices. Almost all what we were fighting against won, and almost all what we were fighting for failed. Aside the realm of political correctness, cool estimation and logical connections there is H STORY.

because there is no bigger seduction than the irritation of your own reality

H STORY gently traces and draws interconnections between historical evidencies, emotional facts, visual lectures, fictional locations, silent lists and blind speeches.
This act of amalgamation aims at a permanent adjacency without integration, a continuous touching without annexation. Where the habitual meaning of words trembles, sense may constitute itself in the act of articulating.

Po resetiranju in preimenovanju projekta One dollar one dollar, ki je bil marca 2007 izveden v dietheatru na Dunaju, se manifestacija H STORY predstavlja v Ljubljani.
H STORY je slepo zaporedje mikro-dogodkov, fokusiranih na interferenco heterogenih praks. Skoraj vse, proti čemur smo se borili, je zmagalo, in skoraj vse, za kar smo se borili, je propadlo. Izven domene politične korektnosti, hladne spoštljivoti in logičnih povezav – tam je H STORY.

because there is no bigger seduction than the irritation of your own reality

H STORY nežno sledi in izrisuje medpovezave zgodovinskim očitnostim, emotivnim dejstvom, vizualnim predavanjem, fiktivnim lokacijam, tihim seznamom in slepim nagovorom.
Ta akt združitve je namenjen trajni bližini brez integracije, nepretrganemu dotikanju brez prilastitve. Kjer običajen pomen besed zadrhti, se konstituira smisel.

Produced by
Contemporary Arts Institute
zavod sodobnih umetnosti
in collaboration with
v sodelovanju z
City Museum of Ljubljana
Mestnim muzejem Ljubljana

za dodatne informacije pokličite:
Mestni muzej Ljubljana: 041 230 610
GVRbabaLAN: 031 589 877

... .

A test station # A memory machine # A waiting room # A call center
A body # An archive # An instabition # A museum